Seth Rollins Turning Heel Again
I'm told Seth Rollins will be slowly leaning more into his heel side once again in the next few weeks as we prepare for Cody Rhodes to return.
Expect Seth to mention Cody's name again sooner rather than later.
Cody Rhodes WrestleMania 39 Plans
The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes recently spotted in fantastic shape ahead of his rumored WWE return at Royal Rumble. Fans believes that Cody Rhodes could challenge The Tribal Chief Roman Reigns for title after winning the Royal Rumble in January 2023. But now, Xero News have reported that Cody Rhodes will face Seth Rollins again at WrestleMania 39 to end their feud.
"Still hearing Cody vs. Seth at 'Mania to end the feud. However, this isn't locked."
WWE NXT Title Belts Design Change
The Championship belt maker Dan Beltzer (AKA BeltFanDan) on Twitter recently tweeted out that he had heard about WWE possibly looking to make changes the "rainbow" belts for the WWE Tuesday Night NXT brand. These will reportedly be replaced by the previous "non-colored" designs.
"Word on the street is the rainbow NXT belts are going to be replaced with the prior non-colored ones."