
WWE Tuesday Night NXT Full Results (January 3rd, 2023)

The first WWE Tuesday Night NXT of 2023 is live from WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida. Vic Joseph welcomes us and he’s joined at ringside by WWE Hall of Famer Booker T. They hype the show and we go right to the ring for the opener.

Here The WWE Tuesday Night NXT Full Results

- Carmelo Hayes defeated Apollo Crews via pinfall. After the match, Carmelo Hayes recovers and Trick Williams rolls in to check on Hayes. Axiom suddenly attacks to send Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams to the floor. Axiom then jumps to the top and leaps back to the floor, taking them down. Axiom rolls Trick Williams into the ring and it looks like their match is next.

- Axiom defeated Trick Williams defeated via pinfall. After the match, Axiom stands tall but Carmelo Hayes attacks Axiom from behind and now they double team him. They stomp away on Axiom until Apollo Crews makes the save. Aximo stands with Apollo Crews in the ring.

- WWE NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day are backstage giving more chores to Pretty Deadly. The Schism walks up. Rip Fowler approaches and says The New Day has talked to every other NXT tag team but The Schism because they realize The Schism is their biggest threat. Xavier Woods says they look like Texas Chainsaw Massacre extras. 

Kofi Kingston insults them and has words with Joe Gacy. Gacy says Big E and Xavier Woods have leaned on Kofi Kingston. Kofi dismisses this idea. Joe Gacy says they are a real family, unlike The New Day. Kofi thought his issue was with Fowler but apparently it’s with Gacy, and he will solve it tonight. Gacy says taking out a former WWE Champion and the greatest tag team champion of all-time will only make The Schism stronger. The Schism walks off.

- We see how Donovan Dijak abducted Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo last week as NXT North American Champion Wes Lee defeated Tony D’Angelo. We cut to a video that shows Dijak holding Stacks hostage somewhere. Stacks is beat up. Dijak presses play on a tape player and admires Stacks’ loyalty to Tony D but says loyalty has consequences and disrespecting Dijak won’t go un-punished. Dijak goes on with his promo to Stacks, then declares that he is the Face of Fear in NXT. He grabs Stacks’ face and hits him. Stacks tells Dijak to be a man and un-cuff him so they can handle it in the ring. Dijak takes the tape out, and places the handcuff on the table, then walks off.

- Drew Gulak is teaching the Chase University students some moves in the ring. Andre Chase walks up and asks what the hell is going on. Duke Hudson says they’re just learning some moves. Chase mentions Charlie Dempsey being injured and unable to face Hank Walker tonight, but says Drew Gulak can’t just put his students in the ring without permission. Hank, Gulak and others don’t believe Dempsey is really injured. Gulak and Chase have some words. Thea Hail holds Chase back as Duke Hudson defends Chase to Gulak, who stands by with a smug look on his face. Chase shuts the training seminar down and takes his students away with him. 

- Donovan Dijak defeated Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo via pinfall. After the match, Dijak stands tall. We come back to Dijak preparing another Feast Your Eyes on Stacks. Tony D hits the ring and fights Dijak off, sending him to the floor with a clothesline. Tony takes the mic and says Dijak wishes he had half the heart Stacks does. Tony challenges Dijak to face him and find out about street justice at New Year’s Evil next week. Dijak yells back and accepts the challenge. Tony D and Stacks look on.

- McKenzie Mitchell at backstage with Oro Mensah now. She asks about 2022 and what to expect in 2023. Mensah says he got his feet wet in 2022 but he’s diving in head-first this year, and that starts with a win tonight. Javier Bernal interrupts and says 2023 will be the year of Big Body Javi, and what better way to kick it off than with his own Christmas album. McKenzie points to how Christmas is over. Bernal says anyone can release a Christmas album during Christmas but he’s Big Body Javi. Mensah says this is kind of cringe, but when he’s done with Bernal tonight, he won’t have a singing voice any longer. Mensah says he will see Javi out there.

- Toxic Attraction – Gigi Dolin and Jacy Jayne, makes their way to the ring. They say Toxic Attraction is and always was the main attraction of this brand. It’s now 2023 and time to leave 2022 in the past. They say all eyes are on them and others will watch in remorse as they push the envelope even further than they have over the last 18 months. They will cut through the roster with reckless abandon. Jayne says they are now bonded by battle scars, and they will be the one to call the shots moving forward. They don’t do New Year’s Resolutions, they do revenge. 

Toxic Attraction go on about how the whole world will watch their moves but they will only watch one woman. One woman, one target – NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez. They say Perez may want to take down their Toxic Empire, but they’re going to build it back, brick by brick, and use her broken body as the foundation. The music hits and out comes Indi Hartwell. Indi is sick of hearing about Toxic Attraction. She says when Perez won the title, she thought it was the end of the group but she’s here to finish what they started as it’s time for new blood at the top of the division, and that starts with Indi. 

Cora Jade comes out to interrupt, saying Indi is once again complaining. Jade insults Indi and says no wonder why everyone in her life left her. Jade says no one wants to see Indi champion, but she deserves the title. Nikkita Lyons interrupts from the crowd. She runs down Jade on the mic and says all she deserves is a kick to the face, and Indi was right about new blood. Lyons says she will throw hands with anybody.

Zoey Stark interrupts, also from the crowd, and knocks Lyons, wondering why she’s even out here. Stark says Lyons should be showing off her assets to Instagram. Stark says Roxanne’s title run will be so short. Wendy Choo now interrupts and has words for Stark, then Jade. Stark is tired of talking. She heads to the ring. Thea Hail interrupts from the crowd and she is fired up. She rushes the ring as Isla Dawn and Alba Fyre come out to start brawling at ringside. The ring suddenly fills up with the rest of the women’s division, including Sol Ruca, Lash Legend, Elektra Lopez and several others. A big brawl breaks out as referees try to restore order.

Dawn and Fyre brawl out to the backstage area, then the parking lot. The music interrupts in the arena and out comes Perez to the platform over the crowd. Perez tells everyone fighting in the ring to relax, they don’t need to fight each other. Perez says there will be a 20-woman Battle Royal to crown a new #1 contender next week, and the winner will be her first challenger at NXT Vengeance Day. Perez looks on as the fight continues in the ring.

- Alba Fyre defeated Isla Dawn via pinfall in Extreme Resolution Match. After the match, Alba Fyre sits up in the ring and her arm raised. Fyre stands tall while Dawn is still down.

- Grayson Waller at backstage with McKenzie Mitchell. He’s confident about facing NXT Champion Bron Breakker next week after a long 10 days at home in Australia. McKenzie can’t understand why he’s so confident when Breakker wants to rip his face off. Waller goes on about outsmarting Bron and getting him to a vulnerable place, and says he will finish the job tonight, so that next week will be a cake walk. Waller says Breakker may have that dog in him, but that doesn’t make him immune to The Grayson Waller Effect. Waller chirps like a small dog and laughs, then walks off.

- We get a video package on Indus Sher vs. The Creed Brothers at New Year’s Evil. The video includes comments from both teams and highlights from their feud. Indus Sher goes on about how they’re respected and held high in India, but no one in America cares about them. The Creeds say they will be stepping stones for no one. 

Indus Sher says The Creeds were one of the best tag teams in 2022 but that won’t be the case in 2023, and The Creeds should’ve listened to Ivy Nile. They waited for the perfect moment to get The Creeds at 100% so there could be no excuse from The Creeds and the fans. The Creeds say if Indus Sher wants respect, all they’re getting next week is body blows and power shots, respect is earned and not given, and The Creeds won’t give them a single inch. Indus Sher promises a mauling next week.

- Oro Mensah defeated Javier Bernal via pinfall. After the match, Mensah stands tall in the corner to play to the crowd now.

- Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen and Fallon Henley are at backstage. They talk Henley up for winning The Battle of The Bar last week. They are fired up for 2023 being their year. Briggs and Jensen say Henley will win the Battle Royal next week, then the title at Vengeance Day. Kiana James walks up and Henley stands up.

James tells her to relax, she’s not here to fight her. James congratulates Henley on her big win last week and says Henley beat her fair and square. James jokes that condos would look good on the bar property, but she will hold up her end of the bargain. James wishes Henley good luck and says she will see her in the Battle Royal next week. James looks at Jensen and tells him to text her later. Jensen says he will, and Henley asks Briggs when this started.

- We see a video that was sent to the official NXT Twitter account by someone anonymous, that shows someone filming NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Katana Chance and Kayden Carter while they talked with a doctor in the trainer’s room. We see their Twitter responses where they called the person filming a creep, and wondered what kind of person films a private medical conversation.

- Drew Gulak defeated Andre Chase via submission. After the match, Gulak keeps the hold applied until the referee has to warn him. Gulak continues his loud celebration at ringside, even surprising Walker a bit.

- McKenzie Mitchell is backstage with NXT North American Champion Wes Lee. She says he retained to close out the year, but it seems like Donovan Dijak and Tony D’Angelo aren’t going anywhere. Lee agrees and says he will join the announcers for commentary next week during D’Angelo vs. Dijak, and maybe he will bring some popcorn. Lee indicates he will challenge the winner in a title match. Lee walks off after wishing a Happy New Year to McKenzie.

- Kofi Kingston defeated Joey Gacy via pinfall. After the match, The New Day celebrates while The Schism looks on and tends to Gacy as The New Day dances around.

- Drew Gulak at backstage with Hank Walker and he’s not happy with Chase U. Walker tries to calm him and says a win is a win. Charlie Dempsey interrupts and Gulak asks what about that arm injury. Dempsey says injured or not, he’s taking it to Walker next week. Gulak is still fired up as he tells Dempsey to rest up because Walker is going to rip his arm off next week. Gulak storms off and a confused Walker follows.

- NXT Tag Team Champions The New Day confronts Pretty Deadly at backstage, ready to send them to find more WWE Legend memorabilia. Pretty Deadly snaps as they are tired of jumping through hoops for The New Day. They say they are the best and The New Day knows it, but The New Day says the titles say they are the best. Pretty Deadly offers to run the Gauntlet against three teams next week. The New Day says if Pretty Deadly wins the Gauntlet, they will become the new #1 contenders.

- We get another teaser vignette for New Year’s Evil, apparently for the return of Tiffany Stratton.

- We go back to the ring for The Grayson Waller Effect. Waller takes the mic and says this will be a night to never forget because it will be the final public appearance of Bron Breakker as the NXT Champion, and what better way to celebrate than a discussion on Instagram. We see Waller’s social media comments scroller on the screen. Waller goes on putting himself over and goes to introduce Breakker but the music interrupts and out comes Bron Breakker on his own. They sit down and Bron thanks Waller for having him on.

Waller mentions Bron interrupting him. Waller says he knows Bron wants to rip his face off but Bron says we’ll see. Bron is laid back tonight and glad to be here. The first question is from a fan who asks Bron how it feels to play his hero, WWE Hall of Famer Bill Goldberg. Bron jokes around and admits Waller has out-smarted him. Waller says he did more than that, he turned Bron into a meme. Bron admits the memes are funny, which is a point for Waller. They go on and Waller says next week won’t be a contest, it will be the coronation of a new champion.

Bron Breakker says Grayson Waller is smart and crafty… Waller tells the fans to shut up so Bron Breakker can continue saying good things about him. Bron Breakker says what separates Grayson Waller from the rest is he knows how to get under people’s skin, unlike anyone else. Bron Breakker says the best possible compliment he can give Grayson Waller is that he’s just out-smarting everyone else, he’s just better than everyone else.

Bron Breakker says Grayson Waller is the viral guy, that’s his gig. Bron Breakker talks about some of Waller’s viral moments – jumping off the cage, hitting Johnny Gargano in the back with a chair, jumping off the ladder at Stand & Deliver, blinding Apollo Crews. Bron Breakker says to him, those moments are just distractions. Bron Breakker knows Grayson Waller will show up next week and give him his best show, and some people may even leave next week’s show talking about Waller, but Bron Breakker will leave here still the NXT Champion.

Grayson Waller asks Bron Breakker if he really thinks that. Grayson Waller is standing now. Bron Breakker says that in a nutshell is really The Grayson… Waller says don’t you dare. Waller… Waller says stop, this is his show and don’t disrespect him… Effect! Bron Breakker places the mic on the table. Grayson Waller says that’s big coming from an over-rated champion who has only done one thing since he’s been in NXT, and that’s steal his dad’s gimmick, a reference to WWE Hall of Famer Rick Steiner. 

Bron Breakker turns around and gets right in Waller’s face. They face off and Bron Breakker laughs. Bron Breakker grabs Grayson Waller’s arm, raises the mic and says he doesn’t give a damn what Grayson Waller says because he loves his father. Bron Breakker says he will see Grayson Waller next week. Bron Breakker turns to leave but Waller won’t stop talking. Waller goes to repeat what he said about Bron being nothing more than a… Breakker rocks Waller with a right hand. A dazed Waller stumbles around. Breakker presses Waller high in the air, then drops him into a powerslam. 

Grayson Waller quickly scrambles to the floor. Bron Breakker grabs Waller’s phone and says here’s a viral moment. Bron Breakker runs with the phone in his hand, and leaps over the top rope with a big dive to take Grayson Waller back down on the floor. Bron Breakker stands tall to a big pop now. Waller is down as fans bark for Breakker. Bron Breakker raises the NXT Title belt in the air, over Grass Waller as the New Year’s Evil go-home edition of Tuesday Night NXT goes off the air.

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