


Welcome to Sports Arenaa News’ live results coverage of AEW Dynamite!

Tonight’s show will feature a Women’s Championship Match between Riho and Nyla Rose. On top of that, Hangman Page and Kenny Omega put their titles on the line against SCU. Elsewhere tonight, MJF will face Jungle Boy in a singles match, Last week Jon Moxley quickly beat Ortiz in a match, and tonight he gets the chance to do the same to Santana. And the final announced match tonight is Sammy Guevara Vs. Dustin Rhodes.

And that’s the preview for tonight’s AEW Dynamite. Follow along on the Ringside News app, as well as on Instagram and Twitter. Enjoy the show!


This week’s Dynamite opens with four men already in the ring, ready for tag team action.

After ring introductions, the match is about to start when The Dark Order appear on the screen. They wish both teams good luck and say they are closer than we think. They are awaiting the exalted one and will strike. Christopher Daniels leaves to investigate.


The match begins with Kenny Omega and Frankie Kazarian. The latter takes a headlock but Omega shoots him off and hits an arm drag. Kazarian whips Omega into the ropes and Scorpio Sky delivers a cheap kick to the back. Omega then boots him off the apron and looks to diver over the ropes onto him but Kazarian drags him back into the ring for a roll-up and a near-fall.

Kazarian drops Omega on the middle rope and Sky kicks him, then Kazarian hits a German suplex and knocks Page from the apron. Sky tags in and hits Omega with a jumping flatliner for a two-count while Frankie knocks Page off the apron again. SCU look for SCULater but Page comes back and knocks Frankie from the ring, then hits an assisted German suplex with Omega. The Champions look for the Buckshot/tiger suplex finisher but Kazarian pulls Page from the apron.

Omega knocks Sky to the outside, then looks to dive onto Hangman but Sky trips him. Sky then dives over the ropes onto Hangman, quickly followed by Kenny diving onto both he and Kazarian. Omega puts Sky back in the ring and hits a missile dropkick to the back, followed by a fisherman buster and a near-fall. Page tags in and Kazarian returns but Kenny hits him with the Kotaro Crusher. Hangman hits Sky with a fallaway slam, then tags Omega.

The Champions hit a rolling slam, shooting star press, then Sky gets his knees up to block Omega’s moonsault. Kazarian shoves Page from the apron, then gets the tag and forces Omega to the corner for repeated shoulder tackles. Kazarian sends Omega to the outside, where Sky rams him into the barricade and the ring apron. Back in the ring, Kazarian body slams Omega and hits a springboard leg drop for a two-count.

Sky tags in and tries to slow things down, kicking Omega and hitting him with a kitchen sink. Kazarian tags in and hits a running crossbody, followed by a body scissors. Kenny fights to his feet and reaches to his corner but Hangman isn’t there yet. Sky gets the tag and double teams Omega, but Kenny flips over Frankie and makes the tag to Page who just popped up on the apron.

Hangman comes in with repeated chops to both Sky and Kazarian, followed by a big boot to Kazarian and one to Sky coming off the middle rope. Page hits running lariats in the corners to both members of SCU, then catches Sky on his shoulders and drops him before hitting a standing moonsault for a near-fall. Omega tags in but Sky tosses him to the floor, meanwhile Page attempts the Buckshot Lariat but Sky ducks and Kazarian clotheslines him!

SCU team to hit a swinging DDT to Page for a near-fall. Backstabber from Kazarian, followed by a cutter from Sky. Omega tries to jump in but Frankie catches him with a cutter. SCU then get both Champions in submissions but Page slams Kazarian into the other two to break both holds. Omega tags in and hits a V-Trigger to Kazarian and a snap dragon suplex to Scorpio. Page attempts the Buckshot again but Kazarian ducks it, only to get caught with a pop-up powerbomb. Omega hits a knee to the back of the head, and Page dives onto Scorpio on the outside. The Champions hit a V-Trigger/Buckshot Lariat for the win.


Omega and Page leave after the win, each going different directions, meanwhile The Dark Order come down to the ring to Kazarian and Scorpio. They surround SCU but out come Chuck Taylor and Trent to even the numbers. The Blade, The Butcher, and The Bunny come out, followed by TH2. The Young Bucks are the last team to come out and chaos reigns as all the tag teams brawl and toss each other from the ring. The Bucks clear the ring before hitting dives onto everyone at ringside.

*Commercial Break*

We see an interview from earlier today between Jim Ross and Santana. JR asks him what he meant when he said Jon Moxley would learn to live in darkness. Santana says 15 years ago he was at his lowest; living in a basement in the Bronx, no job, no money, no direction. One night he called his father at 3 AM and explained how he was feeling; every day was darkness. His father started going blind at 14 years old, and his sight was gone at 25. His father was stolen from him and he never got to say goodbye. Ross asks if Jericho is the person Santana should be angry with. Santana said Moxley had the chance to join the reason AEW is successful. He left it all at his feet. And tonight he promises he will learn to live in darkness.

Darby Allin has another video package, in which he can’t speak because his throat was attacked with his skateboard. He holds up cards that say he will get his revenge and asks Sammy Guevara for a match at AEW Revolution.


The match gets underway and Sammy immediately leaves the ring. He tries to sneak attack Rhodes but gets caught with a right hand. Dustin hits a lariat and a back suplex, followed by a running knee for a two-count. Sammy leaves the ring and decides he’s just going to leave the match but Dustin attacks him on the outside and gets in the face of Hager.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Dustin counters Sammy with a reverse STO. Rhodes rallies and delivers right hands, followed by a lariat, uppercut, and a snap powerslam for a near-fall. Rhodes makes the mistake of talking trash to Hager, allowing Guevara to get him up and deliver something of a backwards GTS for a near-fall.

Guevara goes up top but Dustin swipes his feet out. Rhodes climbs up top and flips Guevara over and off the ropes, but the Spanish God leaps back up with him…only to get front suplexed off. Rhodes hits Sammy with a Canadian Destroyer and hits The Final Reckoning for the win.


After the match, Rhodes grabs a microphone and tells “Jericho’s bitch” to turn around. Rhodes asks Hager if he’s ever going to get in a ring, or if he’s going to just keep cashing cheques. Rhodes says Hager is failing at MMA and failing AEW. He broke his arm and he wants a piece of him at AEW Revolution. Hager walks towards the ring but turns and walks off.

Tony Schiavone attempts to interview the captain charisma, Britt Baker once again. He asks about what she did last week to Yuri, and she says she did a favour by removing her decaying tooth for free. She rambles on about tooth decay and which exact tooth it was, before making fun of Schiavone for being a barista. Tony asks her about the women’s title match tonight, and she says it will be fantastic but, at the end of the day, they’ll both be number two behind her. That makes sense. She says she sees a lot of confusion in the cheesey Whataburger faces of the fans. She says she has two degrees and she was the first woman signed to AEW. This is her division and what she did last week was a statement. The fans chant “Whataburger”.


The second title match of the evening gets underway and Riho runs right at Nyla and delivers a jumping knee. Nyla shrugs her off then Riho, the bright person she is, grabs Nyla by the waist and tries to slam her. Rose rams Riho into the corner. Riho hits the ropes but gets flattened by Nyla. Riho slides out from under a pin attempt and tries a dropkick but Nyla swats her away.

Riho catches Nyla with a headscissors, then dropkicks her to the outside. Riho scales the ropes and dives onto Nyla but gets caught and hit with a backbreaker. Rose slams Riho into the apron, then goes under the ring and grabs a table. The referee tells Nyla she can’t but she sets the table up anyway. Riho runs along the table and delivers a dropkick to Rose!

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Rose grabs Riho by the throat but the Champion counters into a crucifix bomb. Riho attempts a 619 but Nyla blocks it, then dodges a splash to deliver a dropkick for a two-count. Nyla drapes Riho on the top rope and hits a flying knee to the back of her head. Rose slowly makes a pinfall but Riho kicks out.

Rose splashes Riho into the corner, then puts her on her shoulders and climbs up top. However Riho fights off and punches Riho but Nyla fights back and bites her. Rose hits an avalanche Death Valley driver…but Riho kicks out! Nyla gets Riho up in an electric chair but Riho counters with a snap dragon suplex.

Riho looks for a running knee but misses and hits the buckles. Nyla attempts a powerbomb but somehow can’t keep Riho up, so transitions to an STF attempt but Riho counters and hits a suplex for a near-fall. Riho hits Nyla with three double foot stomps from the top rope…but Rose gets her foot on the bottom rope. Riho runs at Nyla but gets hit with a Spear, followed by the sit-out powerbomb and the win.


In standard AEW fashion, they cut to commercial and missed Nyla Rose’s entire title celebration. Don’t worry though, because she did walk backstage and cut a promo that we were unable to hear with the commercial.

*Commercial Break*

The Inner Circle are interviewed backstage and they have some big news for next week. Jericho says that last week, when Moxley used the car key to attack Santana, he proved he was a piece of human trash. He says it makes him sick that he has to stand in the same ring as him but he will because he’s a good man. However what he did was scour the globe for an assassin that could tear him limb from limb. So if he survives Santana, next week he will face Jeff Cobb of Ring of Honor fame. Jericho says he will meet Moxley in hell.

*Commercial Break*


The bell rings and they lock-up, with Jungle Boy taking MJF down. Maxwell comes back with a headlock, before dropping Jungle Boy with a shoulder. MJF struts like Ric Flair but Jungle Boy fires back. They come face-to-face and argue but Jungle Boy knocks MJF from the ring.

MJF slowly gets back inside and attempts a hand shake, so Jungle Boy spits in his own hand and shakes it. Jungle Boy hits an incredible springboard arm-drag, followed by a dropkick. MJF turns the tables and stomps Jungle Boy down in the corner. MJF pulls Cody from the ring and tosses him into the barricade before taunting the fans.

We see Arn Anderson watching on a monitor backstage. MJF hits Jungle Boy with a body slam on the floor outside the ring, then gets back inside and poses on the ropes like Shawn Michaels.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Jungle Boy counters MJF to get a breather. Jungle Boy lands some forearms in the corner and drops him with a lariat. MJF rolls to the outside, where Jungle Boy hits him with two suicide dives and a tope to the floor.

Back in the ring, a Poison-Rana from Jungle Boy for a near-fall. Jungle Boy attempts a powerbomb but his back gives out from being sent into the barricade earlier. MJF superkicks Jungle Boy and hits an Alabama Slam. MJF gets JB in a reverse Alabama Slam position as a submission – despite the fact that that’s literally how Jungle Boy comes out on Luchasauras’ shoulders.

MJF puts Jungle Boy on the top rope but JB slides down and hits a running powerbomb for a near-fall. Wardlow appears at ringside and hands MJF his diamond ring, which he uses to punch Jungle Boy. MJF hits Double Cross for the win.


After the match, Wardlow gets Jungle Boy on his shoulders an hits an F5 but out comes Luchasauras and Marko Stunt to tend to JB. Next week Wardlow has his first AEW match, in which he battles Cody in a cage.

*Commercial Break*

PAC cuts a promo – once again in his ring gear on the streets at night – in which he says all of Omega’s problems are because of him – What problems? PAC says Omega is scared. No more ducking or dodging. In two weeks he gets 30 minutes with the best in the world. This is the most one-sided, mishandled feud. Seriously, it feels like PAC is in the feud by himself and once a month Omega runs around looking for him but that’s it. Next week, Omega and Page will defend their tag titles against Lucha Bros.

The announcers give a rundown of the entire AEW Revolution card, happening on February 29th. The Inner Circle make their entrance, with Jericho and co. sitting in a booth up high.


This match gets underway in the crowd, and no bell has rung. Santana and Moxley brawl by the fans until Moxley back drops him over the barricade into ringside. Moxley gets in the face of Ortiz, after whipping Santana into the barricade. Moxley chops the chest of Santana, then puts him in the ring where the match officially begins.

Moxley tees off on Santana but gets hit with a back elbow. Moxley clotheslines Santana over the ropes to the floor, then climbs the ropes and hits a double axe handle to him on the outside. Santana turns the tables and tries to ram Moxley’s good eye into the corner of the steps but Jon fights him off as we head to the break.

*Commercial Break*

Back live and Santana batters Moxley with forearms but the pirate comes back with a clothesline and a double axe handle. Santana delivers a kick to Mox but gets caught with an arm-trap pin attempt to no avail. Moxley attempts a Fujiwara Armbar but gets kicked away.

Moxley hits a release German suplex and Santana rolls to the corner. Santana gets a boot up in Moxley’s face and slams him into the buckles. Santana grabs Mox and hits a stalling piledriver for a near-fall. Santana takes to the top rope and dives but Moxley gets his knees up. Ortiz gets on the apron and attempts to hit Moxley with the sock but Moxley sidesteps a running Santana and he knocks Ortiz from the apron.

Moxley drops Santana with a clothesline, then scales the ropes but Ortiz spits alcohol in his only eye. Santana hits a running cannonball to Moxley, the goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near-fall. Santana lifts Moxley but gets a thumb in his eye and both men stumble around the ring unable to see. Moxley hits a Paradigm Shift for the win.


As soon as the bell rings, Ortiz storms the ring and beats Moxley down. He sticks his fingers in Moxley’s eyes, then Hager and Sammy run down and beat him down. Jericho slowly makes his way to the ring as Santana beats Moxley with the sock, then Jericho whips him with the title belt. Jericho hits him with the Judas Effect and The Inner Circle post together. Jericho’s assassin, Jeff Cobb, comes to the ring and hits Tour of the Islands (a reverse spinning scoop powerslam). The heels pose over Moxley to end the show.

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