
WWE News and Rumors: Randy Orton comments after his vicious attack on Edge on Monday Night RAW

Randy Orton comments after his vicious attack on Edge on Monday Night RAW

Edge made his much-awaited return at the Royal Rumble on Sunday and was involved in a segment on Monday Night RAW as well. Randy Orton, who was eliminated by Edge at the Rumble, made his way to the ring and proposed the reunion of Rated RKO.

They had won the tag-team titles back in 2006 but only managed to keep hold of them for 77 days. Edge retired in 2011 and Orton has won the tag titles just once since then.

It looked like the reunion was set, but Orton turned heel and viciously attacked Edge. He delivered an RKO out of nowhere and then struck the Rated R Superstar with a chair shot.

Edge was left helpless and needed medical attention straight away. He was taken to a local medical facility, and no further update has been issued on the situation by WWE.

Randy Orton though commented on his attack by simply tweeting 'Imagine That #Raw' along with a photo of his chair shot on Edge.

Rumors suggest that the two will be going face-to-face at WrestleMania this year. Edge's new deal has him only for a few matches and thus, WWE could be planning to use him only at the pay-per-views and a few TV appearances.

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