
WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results and Highlights: Winners, Reactions - JANUARY 31st, 2020

WWE Friday Night SmackDown Results and Highlights: Winners, Reactions - JANUARY 31st, 2020

Welcome to Sports Arenaa News’ coverage of WWE Friday Night SmackDown on FOX. Please keep refreshing throughout the show for constant updates once it kicks off at 8:00 PM EST.

It’s the first SmackDown following the Royal Rumble event. Daniel Bryan was unable to topple The Fiend and The Big Dog reigned supreme over King Corbin, but not in the Royal Rumble match.

This week’s show will see Roman and The Usos vs Corbin, Dolph Ziggler, and Robert Roode. Those two are still not done with each other.

An IC Title match will take place as Shinsuke Nakamura battled Braun Strowman. New number one contenders will be determined in a four-corners match as well.

Sheamus and Shorty G are also set to do battle in a Royal Rumble kickoff show rematch.

Opening Segment

Roman Reigns and The Usos came out. Roman said they’re gonna take care of The King and his little bitches and go on to WrestleMania. Then they came out and Corbin said “the feeling is mutual.”

Corbin said he would have defeated Roman at the Rumble if it wasn’t for The Usos. They’ll pay for what they did tonight in the six-man tag match.

Uce asked him what he’s so mad for. He said Corbin’s head is too big for his crown. Then they reminded him what was really going on. They had a Superman/Superkick party the last time they met “check, check, and check.” He said Corbin is a king in the wrong game because they’re playing chess and Corbin is playing checkers.

Corbin said they had a lot of time for board games when they were sitting at home after embarrassing their families. Then they showed the dog food eating segment again.

Roman asked if Corbin has a dog food fetish and called him “Fetish Boy.” He proposed that the loser of tonight’s match eat dog food. He called him Fetish Boy again and then Corbin accepted.

Then they brought out some dog food in buckets. It was all real.

Heavy Machinery vs Revival vs Lucha House Party vs Miz & Morrison

Wilder and Tucky started out the match. Tucker grabbed Wilder and held him before handing him off to Otis for a bearhug.

Gran Metalik tagged in and Morrison took a tag as well. Morrison dodged a flipping assault from Metalik and then Metalik hit a double spingboard headscissors takedown.

Lince Dorado hit a cross body block on Revival after they came in and then Lucha House Party kicked Heavy Machinery out of the ring. They caught Lince Dorado and drove him into the post.

Morrison climbed up top and nailed a spinning dive on Heavy Machinery. The Miz thought about diving, but Dawson took him out with a clothesline. Then Gran Metalik sent Tucker into everyone on the floor.

When we came back from commercial Otis took a hot tag and he rallied on Miz & Morrison. Then Morrison nailed him with a kick, but he absorbed it. Then he caught Morrison’s kick and threw him across the ring.

Miz & Morrison went down and Otis hit a double caterpillar for a two count. Tucker went over the top rope and Dawson took the tag. He almost got a pin on Otis and Metalik tagged in to hit a dive then Dorado hit a splash for a two count.

Morrison hit a spear off the second rope and Otis nailed a powerbomb on Morrison. Otis sent Wilder over the top rope, but Dawson hit a DDT and Dorado hit a sunset flip, Dawson rolled through and Dorado hit two moonsaults. He went for a third, but Wilder crotched him on the ropes. Dawson hit a Superplex Wilder was tossed outside. Dawson got a near fall roll up.

Miz nailed a Skull Crushing Finale. Morrison hit Starship Pain 1-2-3 on Dawson.

Winners: Miz & Morrison

Heavy Machinery were backstage. They weren’t happy. Mandy and Sonya walked up and Mandy thanked him for his help in the Royal Rumble match. “You’re welcome, Mandy” he said.

Tucker said “now do the thing we talked about” they wanted to do what’s going on. Otis said he’s nervous. He likes Mandy and he asked her out next Friday. She has plans next Friday. She has no plans the following Friday. Okay. So it’s a date for Valentine’s Day.

Fire & Desire vs Bliss & Cross

They brawled from the beginning and Rose and Deville sent them out of the ring. Fire & Desire gained control on the outside and then sent Bliss back in.

Then the referee called for the bell to actually ring and start the match.

Deville took Bliss down with a headlock and then Bliss got separation, but Rose got the tag and isolated Bliss in the corner. Bliss hit right hands and tried to get to Cross, but Rose stopped her only to eat a turnbuckle by Bliss as she continued to crawl toward Nikki. She eventually got to her and then Cross went wild.

She got Mandy down and hit a dive, but Sonya nailed a running knee. Then Nikki nailed a neckbreaker and Bliss hit Twisted Bliss for the win.

Winners: Bliss & Cross

They’re the new number one contenders, maybe. Cole wasn’t sure, but he hinted at it.

The showed a dude stirring a vat of dog food. They’re ready for the main event.

Shinsuke Nakamura vs Braun Strowman – IC Title Match

Shinsuke ducked under Braun Strowman and then he ended up on Braun’s back. Strowman flung Nakamura off him and nailed a running splash to the corner.

Then he missed a running boot. Zayn distracted Strowman and Shinsuke kicked Braun and then drove his knees into him on the ground.

Braun threw Nakamura off of him and then Nakamura started laying in kicks in the corner.

Then Braun smashed. Nakamura took a clubbing blow to the chest and he rolled outside. Braun bulldozed over him and threw him inside, but Nakamura got out of the power slam and kicked him in the back of the neck and he hit a running knee for a two count.

Zayn jumped up and he exposed the turnbuckle. Braun hit him with it hit the power slam and won the match.

Winner: Braun Strowman

Sami Zayn was not happy backstage. He said it’s a crisis of injustice. Elias was suddenly in the ring playing his guitar. That upset Zayn. Elias wanted to move Sami along because it’s hit time to perform.

Zayn told Elias to shut his mouth because what he had to say is more important. Elias interrupted him with a riff again and Zayn was pissed. It was quite entertaining, to be honest. They were working well through the screen at each other.

Then Sami asked Cesaro to take care of the situation and he left. Elias then started his little routine where he hyped all things going on in WWE.

Cesaro came out before Elias could start singing and Elias floored Cesaro with a clothesline and a back bodydrop. He sent Cesaro flying with a running knee and then he posed on the top of the turnbuckle.

Shorty G vs Sheamus

Shorty G jumped Sheamus from behind during his entrance. Then they went to commercial.

When we came back, Shorty G took a rolling senton from Sheamus on the outside. Sheamus dragged Shorty G around the ring and then he racked Shorty and slammed him down.

G chopped away on Sheamus and the Celtic Warrior hit a throat thrust on Shorty. Gabel dragged Sheamus to the apron and laid in headbutts. G hit a missile dropkick from the top and nailed a cannonball in the corner. Sheamus collapsed and Shorty hit a top rope moonsault for a two count.

Shorty rolled Sheamus up for two and then Sheamus hit an Irish Curse backbreaker. Sheamus posed and hit a Brogue Kick for the win.

Winner: Sheamus

Nice win for Sheamus after Royal Rumble where he beat Shorty G too. Bullies don’t pay. Be A Star.


Bayley came out and said, “Damn I’m good.” She said there’s something about her that can’t be touched. She showed us how to defeat an opponent at the Royal Rumble. She beat Evans at the Rumble and crushed her dream. She got even with Evans for injurying Sasha which caused her to miss the Rumble. Bayley said she did it all with Lacey Evans’ daughter watching from the front row.

She name dropped Summer several times. Then she said he she wants to she can watch among “these annoying sheep and watch me because a true champion surpasses them all.” She said she’s beat everyone.

Bayley then said to get it over with because Charlotte is gonna face her at Mania.

Then Naomi came out. The Glow is back. She had a full LED helmet that was a total fishbowl on her head. That was a nice touch. Her entrance is still one of the best in WWE.

Naomi got a medium reaction. She said that she couldn’t help but hear all the trash talking. Bayley’s been lying that she’s beat her. She’s never beat Naomi.

Then as a former champion, Naomi said that title could use some Glow. Then Bayley jumped her and mounted The Glow. She hammered fists down and picked up her title. Naomi ducked a title shot — literally. Then she nailed Bayley and sent her to the outside. They played Naomi’s music as she celebrated.

Roman Reigns & Usos vs King Corbin, Ziggler, & Roode

They got started and then Jimmy took a spinebuster on the outside from Roode. This was followed by Uce getting thrown over to the time keeper’s area.

They kept getting really good close up shots of that dog food

Jey finally got free after taking a bunch of abuse. Roman reached for the tag, but Corbin got the tag first and stopped Uce.

Uce fought out of the corner and then Jey leaped over Corbin and tagged Roman. The Big Dog hit a few clotheslines on Corbin and backed him up into the corner. He laid in clotheslines in the corner and then hit a big boot.

Roman geared up for a Superman Punch, but Ziggler distracted him. It was enough for Corbin to get an advantage and hit a chokeslam for a two count.

Roman hit a couple of uppercuts. Then Corbin hit a Deep 6 for a two count. Jimmy hit a dive on Roode. Roman hit a Superman Punch for a two count. Jey nailed a Superkick and a dive on Ziggler. Then Corbin stopped the spear.

Reigns rolled him up for the win.

Winner: Roman & Usos

The Usos shackled Corbin and led him over to the dog food. Roman nailed a spear and hugged a kid at ringside. They hung Corbin up and then Usos got the dog food.

Then they poured dog food all over Baron Corbin. He didn’t really eat any of it. It was still gross. Poor ring crew that has to clean all that up.

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